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Upping Our Vibe


Our vibe is important. It just is. When we’re feeling crappy, more crappy comes rushing in. Wanting to buy a blue car? You’ll start seeing hundreds of them. It’s a spiritual, physical and psychological phenomenon.

Even when things are difficult, there can be ways to shift your vibe. Granted it is much easier to do when food/clothing/shelter are met. If those basic needs are not being met nor feel sustainable, the survival mode might not care or even have capability of shifting to vibe focus.

BUT if they are, or even if you’re struggling and still want to shift your vibe, there are ways to raise frequencies for joy, abundance, and possibilities.

If you want to feel better, I’ll list a few below.

Only if you WANT to.

Are you willing? (That cracks the door open).

We have a basic 5 Love Languages (book, audio, online quiz).

Touch Time spent Words of affirmation Gifts Acts of service

At one point in my life I had 3 jobs! Paying rent, old debts off, and building a sense of security. Even with that schedule, I found ways to give myself self care and shift my vibe to fun and love. Even with pinching pennies, self care and vibes are attainable.

1) Leaving my evening job had a long commute home. So I’d put on a familiar tv show or movie that I knew by heart, so I wouldn’t be tempted to look at it on my phone. (Acts of service). YouTube has free movies and there are always free Podcasts.

2) I had an old bottle of orange aromatherapy someone had gifted me. I’d rub it on my car A/C vent for a nice experience heading home after a long day. (Gifts/Acts of service).

3) After a shower I would rub my feet before bed. Even just a few minutes of TLC on tired feet could shift my mood, help me get out of my head, helped my belly, and would relax me. (Time spent/Acts of service/Touch). The shower is allso a great place for meditation to wash others’ energies and your day off.

4) Even when money was tight, I’d make my bed every morning. I liked to pretend I was on vacation at night, and crawl into a freshly made bed. I still live in what my friends call “hotel living”. (Acts of service).

5) I knew life would get better and better. I’d affirm it to myself, and would daydream (vibe) on how it would one day look and feel. That feeling is VITAL. (Words of affirmation).

6) Most importantly. MOST IMPORTANTLY. Drop into gratitude. Even when people are cruel at home and/or work, these things are still able to do.

Find what works for you. They don’t require a lot of money. Just a desire to feel better.

Was I still grumpy from time to time? You betchya. BUT I knew I could look forward to my self care, and could try again the next day.

It’s EASY to make and add to the sh*t list. It’s WORTH it to add to the gratitude list and your vibe.

Emit how you want to feel, rather than having the world decide for you, and try to get you to feel a certain way. PS- the world typically likes to make ya feel heavy, sad, angry, furious, etc.

Again, only if you want to

Love, Your Neighborhood Naturopath

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