I’d like to talk today about adaptogenic herbs. Adaptogens support the nervous system to aid in adapting to stress. They do not medicate the body, only support the nervous system and adrenal (adrenaline) response. There are 5 ways I like to work with these issues as I see them in the office. Stress is the #1 thing I see and work to meet my client’s needs.
These herbal supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, nor replace medical means
Please research these herbs or consult a Naturopath, like myself, before taking. WebMD and www.gaiaherbs.com have excellent writings on such supplements.
Rhodiola Rosea found in Rosavin I offer here at the office. When blended with Siberian ginseng and American ginseng can create new neuropathways in the brain for PTSD, seeing new options, and getting out of a “rut” of thought. That rut typically takes one to a cul-de-sac of doom and gloom thoughts and feelings. *Cannot be taken with Bipolar meds
Ashwagandha is a Ayurvedic herb used to aid in lowering A1C, raising testosterone, bipolar and assisting when stress is so high, one fears “going crazy.”
Shishandra as an adaptogenic herb aids when stress releases cortisol so fast, that hot flashes are felt quickly and often.
Holy Basil/Tulsi is very mild and can strengthen the nervous system to gently help one adapt to day to day stress.
Lobelia is in the Nervine category of herbs. I recommend this at times for nerve spasms, esophageal spasms, and panic attack moments. Only 1 dose is recommended, as too much can upset the belly.
Bach Rescue Remedy is homeopathic with zero known side effects. They offer an alcohol free option, too. Easing shock, fear, panic, trauma, and extreme stress.
There are more, yet they can get quite intricate. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about adaptogens and which one might be beneficial to you
Place your hand on your heart. Remind yourself that you are safe, loved, wanted, and celebrated. You are worthy of peace.
Love, Christina Tillia- Your Neighborhood Naturopath.
