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Five Stages of Grief


5 stages of grief. All humans go through this. We grieve ages, loved ones, events we looked forward to, plans, and stages of life. We can feel each at the minimum of 33 seconds a piece, or we can get hung up on the stages for moments, hours, days, years. Grief can be unbelievably difficult and hard. Human. Not necessarily always in this order. Stage 1- Denial/Shock. ie: I can’t believe they’re gone. This isn’t real. What do you mean they cancelled that event? It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Stage 2- Bargaining. ie: What if we went to a different doctor? Take me, not them. If I cry hard enough, God/they will give them/event back. If they/I/we had done *this or that* it would be different. Stage 3- Anger. ie: I am SO angry at them/God. I don’t even know why I’m mad, but I am ANGRY! It can also be a straw that breaks a camel’s back. Stage 4- Sadness. This one can be rough Naming it can be a good start. Have compassion for yourself- none of these are easy. Reach out if you need help, meds, support, love. Stage 5- Acceptance. The human experience is rich in these. We can try to deny them, jump to acceptance, or many other tricks we try to do to survive. Please know that going through these do NOT make you “weak”, crybaby, difficult, etc. They make you human. I have found it takes STRENGTH to admit when things are rough. To raise your hand and say, “I am not ok.” It’s easy or “weak” to hide, keep a tight lip, or to destroy yourself on the inside to be tough on the outside. Authentic is healthy:) You can be REAL. Human. Ya gotta feel it to heal it. Breathwork can help. So can- therapy, good healthy friends, journaling, prayer, exercise, etc. Not all owies need the same old remedies. It’s ok to try a new modality. Friends can help, after awhile, it might be too much for them. You still deserve help/support, yet need a new or another avenue. Code: Breathe2020 for teachers/students/medical and school staff. Love, Your Neighborhood Naturopath

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